What is the gender pay gap?

All around the world, women still earn substantially less than men. In global terms, 23 percent less. This inequality has intensified with the pandemic. In Switzerland, female employees' underpayment is a whopping 20 percent and is particularly evident in the private sector.
Why do I earn less than my colleague?
The pay gap can be partially explained by the fact that women are more likely to choose professions that pay less. However, 45 percent of the wage gap cannot be explained: it is not because women are less experienced or less educated - on the contrary. The professional landscape discriminates against women. This is despite the fact that salary discrimination has been prohibited by law in Switzerland since 1995.
Women enter professional life with a lower salary. The gap after graduation is already 7 percent.
Poor despite work
Work and still stay poor? According to the federal government, women are most affected by this. Around two-thirds of people who earn a wage below 4,000 francs for a full-time job are women. Conversely, 81 percent of top earners who receive more than 16,000 francs a month are men. A recent large-scale survey proved that 56 percent of all women in Switzerland couldn't survive financially on their own.
Women work predominantly without pay
In over 70 percent of families raising small children, the housework is mainly done by the woman.
The Highest Pay Gap is among Immigrant Women and Career Women.
Immigrant, black women, and transgender women are particularly affected by the pay gap. Those who adjust their gender subsequently earn as much as 32 percent less. Notably, however, successful women experience pay inequality as well. The higher the position, the larger the gap. The industry is a factor too. In the banking industry, median wages for women are more than 30 percent lower than those of men. In insurance and media, the pay gap is severe as well.
What is my market value? Find out by consulting the wage calculator and employee rating portals:
Federal Salarium
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