Why do women experience more side effects from medications? What is violence during childbirth? Why are mothers particularly at risk of burnout? How can we sustainably improve women's health?
Menopause: Between Hot Flashes, Performance, and Change
Why am I suddenly so hot? Strange. Could these be the first signs of menopause? The starting gun for perimenopause? Indeed. Hormonal changes begin years before the final period. I feel even hotter.
Violent birth system
One in four women is traumatized by the birth of a child. Many women who have experienced childbirth as traumatic describe limited or lack of care, disrespect or performing interventions without their consent. That's what happened to me.
Women are not small men
80 kilograms, white, healthy and male - in medical research, these characteristics were long considered the standard. The resulting data gap, especially with regard to gender, has had fatal consequences to this day.
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