
Why are piano keys, phones, and seat belts designed by default for men? Why do media reports predominantly feature men? What is mom-shaming? Why is white feminism not the solution? Why are women less frequently nominated for cultural awards?

/ Tanya König /

Blerta Basholli's award-winning film "Hive" tells a powerful story of a woman's determination

The Swiss co-production “Hive” by the Kosovar-Albanian director Blerta Basholli has made waves. It is the first film in history to win the three main prizes at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival.

/ Tanya König /
/ Agota Lavoyer /

No more rape culture

We are living in a world that trivializes, excuses, or ignores sexualized violence. It has to stop.

/ Agota Lavoyer /
/ Patrizia Laeri /

Ruedi Noser, how did you manage to get elected despite being a man?

We ask men what otherwise only women are asked. In doing so, we want to initiate a dialog about stereotypes, make people think and smile, but also expose toxicity.

/ Patrizia Laeri /
/ Patrizia Laeri /

How do you react to pussy pics, Sandro Brotz?

We confront men with questions that are often only asked of women. In doing so, we want to break down stereotypes and expose toxicity.

/ Patrizia Laeri /
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